Labs, Inc.  High speed video componenets

HSC-500 x2

High Speed Video Camera

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Features, Specifications
HSC-500 x2 image, 6kB JC Labs' HSC-500 x2 is a low cost, high speed video camera which takes 500 images per second. Designed for motion analysis, the high frame rate camera has no moving parts and is ruggedly built for field use. Applications include the analysis of packing machinery, vehicle dynamics, impact tests, and bio-metric uses in motion studies and sports medicine.

The CCD image pick-up on the HSC-500 x2 features 510 pixels across by 246 pixels, giving a resolution of 380 television lines horizontally in an RS-170 compatible format. The full resolution is aways available at a fixed speed of 500 full pictures per second ( the rate may be varied approximately 5% to allow synchronization with user's equipment.)

The camera accepts an externally supplied synchronizing signal (RS-170 format), for simple interface to the control panel on the camera's rear. Vertical reset may any number of whole or half lines form 130 to 263 lines per field length. The choices of 262, 262 1/2, or 263 lines per field assure compatibility with all other equipment. The externally supplied signal allows the synchronization of multiple cameras for simultaneous views and simplifies the use of a wide range of frame grabbers available from other vendors. The x2 setting on the camera gives two subfields for each normal field; allowing twice as many images to be captured where the full vertical image size is not required.

The sensitivity of the CCD imager combined with the electronic shutter speeds from 1/1,000 to 1/100,000 second eliminates the need for expensive strobe lighting in many applications. Excellent results can be obtained in ordinary light since the camera is comparable to ASA 1000 film in sensitivity. The spectral sensitivity extends from 400 nm to 1000 nm, allowing biological studies to be performed with near infra red illumination from low cost diode sources. The electronic shutter also allows the study of luminous or brightly lit objects such as arcs or flames that can not be imaged using strobe illumination. Should an application require strobes, a synchronizing signal is provided by the camera.

Two analog outputs (RS-170 format) with separate line drivers provide a flexible interface to storage and display devices. The signals can easily be sent long distances on coaxial cable, transmitted by radio, or digitized directly from the camera. Three coaxial cables and a modest power supply (approximately 1/2 Amp. at 12 Volts) are the only requirements for full control of camera timing in multi camera set-ups. An anti-aliasing filter is built into the camera so that any sampling rate may be used, up to the full resolution of the imager, without the need for a sampling clock.



Outline Dwg., 6kB Imager: 1/2 inch interline transfer CCD.

Lens Mount: "C" mount.

Synchronization: Internally generated or external H and V drive.

Video System: EIA RS-170 standard.

Horizontal Resolution: 380 TV lines minimum.

Signal to Noise: 45 dB minimum.

Electronic Shutter: Off, 1/1,000, 1/5,000, 1/10,000, 1/50,000, and 1/100,000 sec.

Power Requirement: 11 to 15 Volts DC, 1/2 Amp.

Operating Temperature: -10 C to 50 C.

Humidity: 20% to 80%

Size: 7 cm X 9.4 cm X 22 cm.

Weight: 1.6 kg (less lens).

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Home page, HSR-200 video cassette recorder, HSC-250 camera, GL-250 gen lock & time stamp
For more information on these products or compatible motion analysis systems, please contact info@jclabs.com, or

JC Labs, Inc.
701 Mindego Hill Rd.
La Honda, CA 94020
Phone: +1 (650) 967 3431

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